CBD is one of the key compounds that can be extracted from hemp.
When we add CBD to a carrier oil to make a more powerful solution, it is then called CBD oil.
Hemp oil in itself doesn’t necessarily have to have CBD. But if we add CBD to it, then it’s called CBD hemp oil, or in shorter terms: CBD oil.
What is CBD Oil tincture then?
A tincture CBD product is different from plain CBD oil in the sense that it contains additional components apart from CBD oil, such as terpenes, carrier oils or other beneficial compounds. The combination of those compounds together maximizes the potency of such a liquid solution. For example, some of the ingredients help towards better body absorption of the CBD.
I hope that went some way to clarifying the difference between CBD Oil and CBD tincture.
There are of course other types of formats in which CBD can be consumed: Topicals, edibles like softgels or gummies, beverages, cosmetics…